Articles / Conference Papers
Coetzee, J.L., Computerisation gives control of a complex situation, Mining World volume 2 no.10, November 1983, pp 87 - 95.
Coetzee, J.L., Benefits and pains of computerised maintenance management, Maintenance Management Convention, South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers, pp B2.1 - B2.20, 1986.
Coetzee, J.L., Die struktuur van Instandhouding, Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, Vaaldriehoek-Werkgemeenskap, 1988.
Coetzee, J.L., The effective use of Maintenance Information, Maintenance Forum 1990, Vanderbijlpark, 1990.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance Systems as a means towards higher productivity, Maintenance Forum 1991, Kempton Park, 1991.
Coetzee, J.L., Gouws, J., Maintenance Audits as a means to improving Maintenance Quality, Maintenance Forum 1992, Sandton, 1992.
Coetzee, Jasper L., Die analise van falingsdata met 'n langtermyntendens, Masters Dissertation (94 pp), 1995.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance strategy setting – a dangerous affair, Maintenance in mining conference, Johannesburg, 1996/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Measuring maintenance performance, Annual Maintenance Convention, Johannesburg, 1996/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Reliability Degradation and the Equipment Replacement Problem, ICOMS 96, Melbourne, Australia, 1996/3.
Coetzee, J.L., The role of NHPP models in the practical analysis of maintenance failure data, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 56, 1997/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Towards a general maintenance model, IFRIM workshop, Hong Kong, 1997/2.
Coetzee, J.L., A structured approach to Maintenance Auditing, ICOMS 98, Adelaide, Australia, 1998.
Coetzee, J.L., A holistic approach to the maintenance "problem", Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol 5 No 3, 1999.
Coetzee, J.L., Reducing Maintenance Risk – a macro perspective, I.M.E. Maintenance Conference, 2000/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance success using a holistic approach, Maintenex Conference, 2000/2.
Coetzee, J.L., The Maintenance Strategy Gap, World Trends in Maintenance Conference 2000, 2000/3.
Vlok, P.J., Coetzee, J.L., Advances in Renewal Decision Making utilising the Proportional Hazards Model with Vibration Covariates, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 11 No 1, 2000/4.
Coetzee, J.L., Selecting Failure Management Policies, Reliability Centred Maintenance Conference 2001, Marcus Evans, 2001/1.
Coetzee, J.L., The rationale behind Outsourcing of Maintenance - why it cannot be avoided, World Trends in Maintenance Conference 2001, 2001/2.
Coetzee, J.L., What are we doing to our people?, World Trends in Maintenance Conference 2001, 2001/3.
Coetzee, J.L., The new Maintenance Management Paradigm, World Trends in Maintenance Conference 2001, 2001/4.
Coetzee, Jasper L., An optimised instrument for designing a maintenance plan – a sequel to Reliability Centred Maintenance, Doctoral Thesis (225 pp), 2001/5.
Vlok, P.J., Coetzee, J.L., Banjevic, D., Jardine, A.K.S., Makis, V., Optimal component replacement decisions using Vibration Monitoring and the Proportional Hazards model, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 53 no. 2, February 2002, 2002/1.
Coetzee, J.L., New advances in Reliability Centred Maintenance, IFRIMmmm Conference, Växjö, Sweden, 6-8 May 2002, 2002/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Developments in Reliability Centred Maintenance for the new millennium, ICOMS 2002, Brisbane, Australia, 2002/3.
Kotze, R., Coetzee, J.L., Getting your money's worth from your people, ICOMS 2002, Brisbane, Australia, 2002/4.
Coetzee, J.L., Achieving Maintenance Excellence through Total Strategic Management, TECSUP 2002, Lima, Peru, 2002/5.
Coetzee, J.L., Claasen, S.J., Reliability Centred Maintenance for industrial use: Significant advances for the new millennium, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol 13 No 2, 2002/6.
Coetzee, J.L., Achieving Maintenance Excellence through Total Strategic Management, SAMA Newsletter, 2004/1.
Coetzee, J.L., What analysis for which machine or part?, ICAMM 2004, CSIR Conference Centre, Pretoria, 2004/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Understanding the maintenance organisation – the role of maintenance management models, Unpublished Article, 2005/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance Strategic Management - a prerequisite for business survival, IMEC 2005, Toronto, Canada, 2005/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Stepped approach towards achieving Maintenance Excellence through Strategic Management, IMEC 2005, Toronto, Canada, 2005/3.
Coetzee, J.L., The strategic role of leadership for maintenance executives, People Management for Maintenance Excellence Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2006/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Management Skills for Maintenance Professionals, People Management for Maintenance Excellence Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2006/2.
Van der Walt, N., Coetzee, J.L., Die Afrikaner — sy toekoms as leier in ’n transformerende gemeenskap, S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Jaarvergadering, Bloemfontein, 2006/3.
Coetzee, J.L., Setting the standard for excellence in mining maintenance, GEMMS 2006, Johannesburg. 2006/4.
Hodkiewicz, M.R., Coetzee, J.L., Dwight, R.A., Sharp, J.M., The Importance of Knowledge Management to the Asset Management Process, Oil and Gas Review, December 2006, 2006/5.
Coetzee, J.L., Reliability Centered Maintenance: a prerequisite for proactiveness in maintenance, IPAMC 2007, Tehran, Iran, 2007/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Using Renewal Theory to maximum effect specifying use based maintenance tasks in RCM, IPAMC 2007, Tehran, Iran, 2007/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Eradicating failure through creative thinking, IPAMC 2007, Tehran, Iran, 2007/3.
Coetzee, J.L., Die Suid-Afrikaanse tegnologiebasis in krisis, S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Jaarvergadering, Stellenbosch, 2008/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Poor maintenance poses a risk for the Systems Engineering industry, INCOSE 2008, Pretoria, 2008/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Achieving motivated maintainers and maintenance technicians in the workplace, IPAMC 2008, Tehran, Iran, 2008/3.
Coetzee, J.L., Achieving the maximum benefit from maintenance contracting, IPAMC 2008, Tehran, Iran, 2008/4.
Coetzee, J.L., The relationship between Maintenance Engineering and Industrial Engineering, SAIIE Conference, Magaliesburg, 2008/5.
Coetzee, J.L., Achieving motivated maintainers and maintenance technicians in the workplace, PRPMF, Johannesburg, 2009.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance planning and scheduling, Aryana workshop, Tehran, Iran, 2010/1.
Coetzee, J.L., Developing Maintenance tactics, Aryana workshop, Tehran, Iran, 2010/2.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance Human Resource Management, Aryana workshop, Tehran, Iran, 2010/3.
Coetzee, J.L., Breymann, W., Financial Maintenance modelling in the framework of the Unified Financial Analysis methodology, SAIIE Conference, Mulderdrift, 2010/4.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance outcomes modelling and the substantiation of maintenance budgets, Research Seminar: Physical Asset Management and Condition Monitoring, University of Pretoria Conference Centre, 2012.
Coetzee, J.L., A Method for the substantiation of Maintenance Budgets, World Trends in Maintenance Engineering conference, Pretoria, 2013.
Coetzee, J.L., Eradicationg Failure through creative thinking, World Trends in Maintenance Engineering conference, Pretoria, 2013.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance Tactical Control, Forum 2014, Hartebeespoort, and International Physical Asset Management Conference, Tehran, 2014.
Coetzee, J.L., Maintenance Logistics, Forum 2014, Hartebeespoort, and International Physical Asset Management Conference, Tehran, 2014.
Rahiman, M.A., Coetzee, J.L., Resource Consumption as a Maintenance Performance Metric, World Conference on Engineering Asset Management, Pretoria, 2014.
Möller, M.J., Coetzee, J.L., Heyns, P.S., Volk, N.R., Optimum refurbishment scheduling of low pressure fossil fuelled steam turbines using risk and forensics considerations, EPPEI Student Conference, Eskom Academy of Learning, 2015.