Anton Kloppers: Masterful teaching
Dear Professor Coetzee,
I this semester enrolled for the post-graduate subject MIP781 (Maintenance Practice) as part of my M. Eng. (Physical Asset Management). At the beginning of my first contact session I, as an experienced civil engineer, was an absolute layman in the field of Maintenance Practice. I knew nothing about the terminology, let alone the concepts and theories! (The only known theories were the statistics, and of course the La Place of the undergraduate Maths3).
However, after I have been exposed to three single-day contact sessions (in postgraduate lecture format) with Prof Coetzee, his clear notes and the two assignments, I now feel myself quite at home in my class (predominantly mechanical engineers) and I can actually converse about the subject. I could understand the prescribed works in a record time. It was for me personally a wonderful (although steep) learning curve and I attribute this to Prof Jasper Coetzee's masterful handling of the program. I have soon discovered why the University of Pretoria chose him for for these classes.
Thank you, Prof!
Anton Kloppers
Trisano Consulting Engineers